Europe Since 1600: A Concise History

Telegraphs allowed almost instant communication over huge distances – they sent a series of electrical impulses over a wire as “long” and “short” signals. The inventor of the telegraph, Samuel Morse, invented a code based off of those signals that could be translated into letters and, as a result, be used to send messages. This was the first time when a message could travel faster than a messenger on horseback, vastly increasing the speed by which information could be shared and disseminated. Meanwhile, the one continental European power that was completely outside of his control was Russia. Despite the obvious problem of staging a full-scale invasion – Russia was far from France, it was absolutely enormous, and it remained militarily powerful – Napoleon concluded that it had come time to expand his empire’s borders even further. In this, he not only saw Russia as the last remaining major power on the continent that opposed him, but he hoped to regain lost inertia and popularity.


If an individual resigns due to an inhospitable work environment, they may have grounds to file a wrongful termination lawsuit against the employer. If an employee believes that he or she has been unlawfully fired from their job, he or she may file a wrongful termination claim to the EEOC to formally investigate the issue. These claims are based on the alleged breaking of federal or state anti-discrimination law, employment contracts, or labor laws. In 2001, she established the Jane Fonda Center for Adolescent Reproductive Health, which aims to help prevent teen pregnancy. Fonda revealed in 2014 that her mother, Frances Ford Seymour, was recurrently sexually abused as young as eight, and this may have led to her suicide when Jane was 12. The median age at first marriage in this country is 24.4 years old for females.

Sexual Battery

The age of consent in Delaware is 18, but it is legal for teenagers aged 16 and 17 to engage in sexual intercourse as long as the older partner is younger than 30. There is also a mistake-in-age defense if the minor is over 12, but not if the minor is under 12. There is no legal age limit for having sex; nevertheless, criminal law establishes when a person may be prosecuted with a crime for having sexual contact with a child.

Is 17 considered a minor in Louisiana?

Once a person is no longer under the age of 17 they are considered in Texas to be capable of giving consent for sexual activity. In 2016, the governor of Louisiana signed a bill into law that aims to include 17-year-old criminal offenders in the juvenile system. Previously, such minors were tried as adults unless the court ruled otherwise.

For louisiana are made at the victim was a person can consent the sexual offenses. While carnal knowledge of a juvenile covers intercourse, sexual battery laws cover other types of sexual touching. Sexual battery of a child under the age of 17 can result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years with or without hard labor. If the victim is under the age of 13 and the suspect is older than 17, the penalty increases to years in prison with hard labor.

The nationalists triumphed in early 1939, having cut off the pockets of loyalists off from one another. They were recognized as the legitimate government of Spain internationally, and despite their promises to the contrary, they immediately began carrying out reprisals against the now-defeated loyalists. Franco adopted the title of Caudillo, or leader, in the same manner as Mussolini and Hitler.

Many of those changes were due to the spread of the transportation and communication technologies noted above. The speed of railway travel made everything “closer” together, and in doing so it started a long, slow process of tying together distant regions. People could travel to the capital cities of their kingdom or, later, their “nations,” and the intense localism of the past started to fade. For the first time, members of the middle classes could travel just for fun – middle-class vacations were an innovation made possible by the railroad, and the first beneficiaries were the English middle class, who “went on holiday” to the seashore whenever they could.

The government essentially ran like a company devoted to making the rich and connected richer and better connected, while leaving the majority of the population without access to political power. Workers were banned from forming unions and even relatively prosperous bourgeois were not rich enough to vote. Louis-Philippe himself became increasingly unpopular as the years went on (satirical cartoons at the time often depicted him as an obese, spoiled pear).

Likewise, the Duma had no way to enforce the new laws it passed, nor could they compel Russian peasants to fight on against the Germans. Most critically, the members of the Duma refused to sue for peace with Germany, believing that Russia still had to honor its commitment to the war despite the carnage being inflicted on Russian soldiers at the front. On International Women’s Day in February of 1917 (using the Eastern Orthodox calendar still in use at the time – it was March in the west), women workers in St. Petersburg demonstrated against the Tsar’s government to protest the price of food, which had skyrocketed due to the war. Within days the demands had grown to ending the war entirely and even calling for the ouster of the Tsar himself, and a general strike was called.

France became a highly aggressive power under Louis XIV, who saw territorial gains as essential to his own glory (he had the phrase “The Last Argument of Kings” stamped onto his cannons). His “grand strategy” was to seize territory from Habsburg Spain and Habsburg Austria by initiating a series of wars; he planned to force conquered populations to help pay for the wars and ultimately hoped to expand France to the Pyrenees in the south and the Rhine in the east. His wars in the late seventeenth century resulted in the seizure of small territories around the existing French borders, most notably in the Pyrenees.

In retaliation, Huguenots began vandalizing Catholic churches and rising tensions led to the Massacre of Vassy in March of 1562, in which Catholics killed more Protestants, starting the first war. Francis II died in 1560 and was replaced by his brother Charles IX who was only nine years old. His mother Catherine acted as regent until 1563 when the Parlement of Roun declared him of age. At the same time, over the course of the sixteenth century, specific, hardened doctrines of belief were nailed down by the competing confessions. The Lutherans published a specific creed defining Lutheran beliefs known as the Augsburg Confession in 1530, and the Catholic Council of Trent in the following decades defined exactly what Catholic doctrine consisted of. There was thus a hardening of beliefs as ambiguities and points of common agreement were eliminated.